Make an impact: Working at
Rock Valley Community Programs, Inc.
Rock Valley Community Programs, Inc. (RVCP, Inc.) spends a great deal of time and effort recruiting individuals who are confident and have the skills and abilities to adequately perform a specific job. We do our best to make sure there is a match between your capabilities and the specific job responsibilities. It is important for all applicants to understand the agency's philosophy regarding the clients we serve and the services we provide. All employees are expected to perform their jobs by this philosophy.
Apply to an open job
Found a position that catches your eye? Showcase your skills and experience by filling out an application and telling us more about your skills and experience.
RVCP Employment Application
Applications and Resumes may be mailed to:
RVCP, Inc.
HR Department
203 W. Sunny Lane Rd.
Janesville, WI 53546
Faxed (608)741-4502, or
Emailed to ebarkman@rvcp.org